Attorneys and the public are not used to thinking about cannabis as a cause of injuries. There is a false perception that marijuana and other cannabis products such as cannabidiol (CBD) are harmless. However, cannabis use has proven to cause many personal injuries. See "Risks of Marijuana Use." There are also property damage claims due to marijuana growing that creates nuisances.

The cannabis industry is following the playbook of the tobacco and opiate industries by putting profits before people. Through well-funded clever lobbying, they have obtained the commercialization of cannabis in some states but have managed to avoid much of the rules that are applied to foods and medicines. They have convinced people that cannabis is so "safe" it can be sold like candy. However, today's cannabis is a very different drug from the "Woodstock weed" of years ago when the THC level was below 5%. Today's cannabis products are often 85-95% THC and some are 99% THC.