NJSBA Bar Report logo. Credit: New Jersey State Bar Association;

NJSBA Board of Trustees Acts at July Meeting

The New Jersey State Bar Association's Board of Trustees acted on several items at its July meeting.

On recommendations from various sections, the Board agreed to submit comments on the Judiciary's proposals to remove the FM Case Management Order as an appendix to the Court Rules and amend Rule 3:26-2 to address changes in conditions of pretrial release and procedures to handle violations of monitoring. The Family Law Section opposed having the FM form stripped from the Court Rules Appendix over access to justice issues and concerns that the public would no longer have input on any changes to forms in the Appendix. 

The proposed amendments on pretrial release would allow for a six-month review of a defendant's compliance with all release conditions, and provide timeframes for handling alleged violations of monitoring. The Criminal Law Section supported the amendments, but had some recommendations for additional clarifications.