Constantine v. Township of Bass River, A-5506-06T3; Appellate Division; opinion by Messano, J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication April 3, 2009. Before Judges Parrillo, Lihotz and Messano. On appeal from the Law Division, Burlington County, L-2378-04. DDS No. 52-2-3338 [35 pp.]

Plaintiff John Constantine paid $20 to obtain three pages of discovery related to a speeding summons issued to him in Bass River. Thereafter, he filed this action on behalf of himself, and others similarly situated, against, inter alia, Bass River and all municipalities similarly situated, alleging that they improperly charged fees in excess of the Open Public Records Act, the Right to Know Law, and the common-law right-to-know doctrine for written discovery in their municipal courts.