We’ve all seen them. They usually gather in our lobbies in late May/early June wearing shiny new shoes, cardigans, button-downs, khakis, or the like. Armed with a nervous grin and a legal pad, they wait, patiently, for the recruiting coordinator, summer associate committee member or professional development manager to take them to their first destination. Some strike up conversation with a neighbor. Others pensively stare out big windows at the scenery below. All are anxious to begin their 10- to 12-week adventure through their new world. When a familiar face finally steps out of the elevator and flashes a smile, they are relieved. It’s time to begin. They are, you guessed it, your summer associate class.

Keys to a Successful Program

It’s not a secret that a strong summer associate program is essential to attracting and retaining talent. Aside from providing good work assignments and networking opportunities, a summer program would not be complete without a training component. In fact, most incoming summer associates expect that they will receive some formal training, classroom-style or otherwise, over the course of the summer.

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