State in the Interest of A.S., A-5747-07T4; Appellate Division; opinion by Payne , J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication August 12, 2009. Before Judges A. A. Rodríguez, Payne and Waugh. On appeal from the Chancery Division, Family Part, Somerset County, Docket No. FJ-18-499-08. [Sat below: Judge ] D.D.S. [32 pp.]

A.S., 14-years old, is the adoptive daughter of F.D. They resided in a duplex; F.D.’s daughter, T.B., and the victim, T.B.’s four-year-old son, C.J., live in the other half of the home. While A.S. was babysitting for C.J., she committed fellatio on the child. The next day, C.J. told T.B. that A.S. “was kissing on his balls and sucking on his tinky.”