The New Jersey Lawyers’ Fund For Client Protection declares that the following attorneys, having fully satisfied the requirements of Rule 1:28-2, are eligible to appear pro hac vice in New Jersey insofar as they comply with Rule 1:21-2 and their names are hereby removed from the order of the Court December 15 2008 and published December 22, 2008.
Adkission, John C., Alabama
Alexander, Daniel, United Kingdom
Aly, Imron T., Illinois
Amato, Michael S., New York
Anderson, Carmen N., Wisconsin
Arbisser, Aton, California
Atique, Shuaib A., Illinois
Baker, Debra L., Texas
Bamberger, David H., District of Columbia
Barnea, Jean-David, New York
Beisner, John H., District of Columbia
Belnick, Mark Alan, New York
Berman, April Y., Tennessee
Biging, Peter J., New York
Blejwas, David I., New York
Blumling, Robert, Pennsylvania
Boundas, John T., Texas
Broodo, Kenneth C., Texas
Brown, Mayme Holt, Louisiana
Bruton, Charles, Virginia
Burns, Megan A., New York
Burns, Randolph L., Texas
Byrnes, Andrew Carl, California
Canfield, Kenneth S., Georgia
Carignan, James C., Delaware
Conley, Anna C., Montana
Connelly, Michael O., Texas
Conner, Michael R., Indiana
Contour, Kenneth Paul, California
Crumpton, Brent L., Alabama
Cullum, Janet Leslie, New York
Cunningham, Robert T. Jr.,, Alabama
Dabbs, Karen Kristin, Georgia
Decea, Thomas Beau, New York
Dolinko, Robert A., California
Dorney, Colleen T., North Carolina
Dozeman, Douglas A., Michigan
Drake, Nicola Thompson, Texas
Ebenstein, Daniel S., New York
Ehrlich, Andrew James, New York
Ertel, Michael R., New York
Fagan, James E., District of Columbia
Fekete, Pamela, New York
Foster, Brian A., California
Frost, Mark B., Pennsylvania
Gale, James A., Florida
Gasch, Manning , Virginia
Geier, Shannon M., Illinois
Gilbane, Eleanor, Heard, Texas
Gill, Patricia S., Virginia
Goldberg, Daniel J., Massachusetts
Goldstein, David J., New York
Graham, Mark S., Tennessee
Greig, Robert T., New York
Greim, Edward D., New York
Gross, James Edwards, New York
Grossman, Deidre A., New York
Hageman, Erica H., Virginia
Harrison, David C., New York
Hawal, William , Ohio
Henderson, Thomas L., Tennessee
Hoffman, Bruce L., Pennsylvania
Hollingsworth, Katherine B., Massachusetts
Hopwood, Kaycee W., Illinois
Horne, Joe Daniel, Texas
Hoyt, Heather A., Pennsylvania
Hsu, Matthew B., District of Columbia
Husband, John M., Colorado
Isaacs, Elissa L., Illinois
Jarrow, James R., Missouri
Jones, Kelly Brooks, North Carolina
Johnson, David D., West Virginia
Johnson, Roger C., District of Columbia
Kapoor, Ankur, New York
Kennedy, Don M., Massachusetts
Kent, Arthur Martin, Georgia
Kheel, Robert J., New York
King, Bernard F., III, California
Knowles, Ralph I., Jr., Georgia
Koberna, mark R., Ohio
Kohlman, W. Gary, District of Columbia
Lacey, Charles C., Virginia
Landen, Michael Todd, Florida
Lane, Joseph D., Alabama
Lennox, Ryan C., California
Levee, Jeffrey A., California
Levinson, Michael R., Illinois
Levitt, Scott Jonathan , District of Columbia
Lichtenberg, Barry Ezra, New Jersey
Lichtmacher, Fred, New York
Lieberman, Meryl R., New York
Llorens, Ryan A., California
Ludwig, Robert W., District of Columbia
Lucey, Paul R., North Carolina
Maskin, Arvin, New York
Matthews, Paul C., New York
McGraw, Wendy C., Virginia
McKnight, Fredrick L., California
McLauchlan, David C., Illinois
McTear, Brian J., Pennsylvania
Mehta, Aseem V., New York
Merola, Frank A., California
Mester, Christian C., Maryland
Meyer, Keith A., California
Modansky, Michael C., New York
Moffitt, Kelly Ann, Minnesota
Morales, Daniel I., Illinois
Morris, Henry, Jr., District of Columbia
Morriss, Robert C., New York
Mrkonich, Marko J., Minnesota
Mulhern, John H., Illinois
Murrell, Thomas Whitehead, North Carolina
Napoli, James R., District of Columbia
Napoli, Paul J., New York
Nelson, Joann, New York
Norten, Stephen G., Vermont
O’Donnell, Stephen, Illinois
Ortbals, Robert Lee, Missouri
Pappalardo, Frederick C., New Jersey
Parash, William H., New York
Park, Young J., New York
Pastore, Joseph M., Connecticut
Primavera, William E., New York
Pucillo, Michael J., Florida
Rabenold, Randy A., Pennsylvania
Ramani, Rekha, New York
Raptis, Maria A., New York
Rathet, Brooks C., Florida
Robinson, Michael C., Jr., California
Rosenblatt, Robert Alan, Florida
Rothweiler, Kenneth M., Pennsylvania
Rupp, Ashley, California
Russo, Alicia A., New York
Ryan, Daniel S., Illinois
Ryan, Meghan J., Texas
Schmahmann, David R., Massachusetts
Schwartz, Victor E., District of Columbia
Sephton, Gregory B., New York
Shapiro, Daniel Ari, Florida
Shim, Sandra Sung Ju, New York
Small, Michael J., Illinois
Smith, David Eugene, California
Smith, J. David, Pennsylvania
Smouse, H. Russell, Maryland
Sokoloff, Lisa A., New York
Solotaroff, Jason L., New York
Spade, William R., Pennsylvania
Spira, Robert Mitchell, Ohio
Stanat, Erika N.D., New York
Stewart, Ellen Gusikoff, California
Stone Bennett, Stacey M., North Carolina
Stutz, Rachel Z., District of Columbia
Threlkeld, Robert Charles, Georgia
Tollefson, John C., Texas
Tourtelot, Robert Harold, California
Valentine, John A., District of Columbia
Vandervelde, Eric, California
Vogan, Joseph J., Michigan
Wagner, Christine, M., New York
Ward, Scott S., District of Columbia
Warr, Alastair J., Indiana
Warren, Kenneth J., Pennsylvania
Webb, Kerrie Dargine, California
White, Jacquelyn G., New York
Whiteford, Thomas Johns, Maryland
Wolf, Robert S., New York
Wood, Bryan A., Massachusetts
Wooten, Ross, Texas
Zaccaria, Anthony, New York
Zenstein, Joseph A., Pennsylvania
Ziegler, Steven M., Florida
Zlotow, Jennifer, Illinois
Zweig, Michael P., New York,
Board of Trustees
New Jersey Lawyers’ Fund For Client Protection,