Catholic Family and Community Services v. State-Operated School District of Paterson, A-0438-08T1; Appellate Division; opinion by Cuff, P.J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication March 31, 2010. Before Judges Cuff, Payne and C.L. Miniman. On appeal from the Commissioner, Department of Education, No. 74-2/06. DDS No. 16-2-7349 [25 pp.]

The Appellate Division reviews a final decision of the Commissioner of Education that upheld an audit of the Abbott Preschool Program of Catholic Family & Community Services (CFCS) for the 2003-04 school year and ordered repayment of funds expended for ineligible administrative services and computer equipment. At issue is whether approved expenses calculated in accordance with budget guidelines promulgated by the New Jersey Department of Education (DOE) may be disallowed.