This Tuesday, at 4 p.m., there will be a symposium at the State Bar Center in New Brunswick titled “New Jersey at the Crossroads — A Crisis in Judicial Independence.” It will focus on the practical implications for the judiciary, including nontenured judges, of the recent decision not to reappoint Justice John Wallace Jr. to the Supreme Court. Discussions will include an in-depth consideration of the constitutional history and subsequent application of the 1947 judicial appointments provisions, as well as practical approaches to protecting judicial independence in the future. Retired Justices Poritz, Zazzali, Clifford, Coleman, Garibaldi, Handler, Pollock and Stein are expected to attend.

We commend the New Jersey family of bar associations for convening this event. Judicial independence is not a one-person, one-judge, retired-justice event or press release opportunity. Neither is it a ceremonial vigil. It goes to the core of a free society, the separation of powers and adherence to the rule of law. We hope that as many as are able will attend the symposium. Our judges need to know there is continuing support for what they uphold every day.

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