Bondi v. Citigroup Inc., A-2654-08T2; Appellate Division; opinion by Cuff, P.J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication December 22, 2011. Before Judges Cuff, Sapp-Peterson and Simonelli. On appeal from the Law Division, Bergen County, L-10902-04. [Sat below: Judge Jonathan Harris.] DDS No. 12-2-4664 [87 pp.]
Parmalat Finanziaria S.p.A. grew from a regional dairy in Italy producing and distributing milk and milk products to a multi-national corporation producing and distributing food products, including dairy products. Its growth was accomplished by acquiring other corporations and was financed by many multinational lenders, such as defendants Citigroup Inc. and Citibank, N.A. Parmalat’s collapse spawned a wide array of legal proceedings, including civil actions here and in Italy by lenders and investors and criminal prosecutions in Italy.