Building Materials Corp. of America v. Allstate Ins. Co., A-4444-09T3; Appellant Division; opinion by Fasciale, J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication March 13, 2012. Before Judges Sabatino, Ashrafi and Fasciale. On appeal from the Law Division, Middlesex County, L-10529-98. DDS No. 23-2-5541 [51 pp.]

Plaintiff Building Materials Corporation of America, d/b/a GAF Materials Corporation, is a manufacturer of organic and fiberglass roofing shingles. In March 1996, a class-action lawsuit was filed in Alabama on behalf of various homeowners against GAF (the Coleman claimants), alleging, inter alia, that their GAF roofing shingles were defective because they began to deteriorate prematurely.