Crystal Ice-Bridgeton, L.L.C. v. City of Bridgeton, A-1687-11T1; Appellate Division; opinion by Fasciale, J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication November 13, 2012. Before Judges Parrillo, Sabatino and Fasciale. On appeal from the Law Division, Cumberland County, L-210-10. [Sat below: Judge Morgan.] DDS No. 34-2-8174 [14 pp.]

Plaintiff Crystal Ice-Bridgeton, L.L.C., appeals from orders granting summary judgment to defendants city of Bridgeton, city of Bridgeton Bureau of Fire Prevention, Robert Mixner, David Schoch, the fire chief, and David Gates Excavating Inc., a private contractor. The issue is whether plaintiff was entitled to notice before Gates demolished portions of plaintiff’s fire-damaged building.