Halvorsen v. Villamil, A-1306-11T4, A-1435-11T4; Appellate Division; opinion by Hoffman, J.S.C., temporarily assigned; decided and approved for publication March 6, 2013. Before Judges Reisner, Harris and Hoffman. On appeal from the Law Division, Ocean County, L-4209-11 and L-0652-09. [Sat below: Judge Gizinski.] DDS No. 36-2-9222 [16 pp.]

Gregory Villamil and a companion arrived at T.G.I. Friday’s sometime between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. He claimed that he did not consume alcohol before arriving at Friday’s or after leaving. He said that while there, he consumed two or three beers. Villamil said he left Friday’s at 8:30 p.m., dropped his companion at her home, and immediately began driving to his home.