In the Matter of Subpoena Duces Tecum on Custodian of Records, Criminal Division Manager, Morris County, A-25 September Term 2011; Supreme Court; per curiam opinion; decided May 14, 2013. On appeal from the Appellate Division, 420 N.J. Super. 182 (App. Div. 2011). [Sat below: Judges Parrillo, Yannotti and Skillman in the Appellate Division; Judge Manahan in the Law Division.] DDS No. 14-1-9959 [34 pp.]

Through the Office of the Public Defender, New Jersey taxpayers provide legal representation to criminal defendants who lack the resources to hire private counsel. To determine whether a defendant qualifies for a public defender, a court staff member collects information about his financial status on the Uniform Defendant Intake Report (UDIR).