Borough of Seaside Park v. Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Education, A-0743-10T4; Appellate Division; opinion by Axelrad, P.J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication August 12, 2013. Before Judges Axelrad, Sapp-Peterson and Nugent. On appeal from the Chancery Division, Ocean County, C-162-07. [Sat below: Judge Buczynski.] DDS No. 16-2-0972 [79 pp.]
In 1954, Seaside Heights, Seaside Park, Island Heights, Ocean Gate, Berkeley Township and Lacey Township formed the Central Regional School District to educate their junior and senior high school students. Costs were apportioned on a per pupil enrollment basis. In 1975, legislation altered the funding mechanism to an equalized property valuation basis.