Does the Workers’ Comp Fraud Statute Apply Only to Employees?
We only seem to hear about the fraud committed by employees
By Alisa C. Boll and Marci Hill Jordan
Ensuring Insurance: Traditional and Consolidated Approaches
‘Wrap’ policies for specific projects can have a range of benefits
By Ryan M. Suerth
Post-Traumatic Amputations in Diabetic Patients
What claimants’ attorneys need to know
By Brandon Swartz
Turning the Table: Cross-Examining IME Doctor Using Secret Video of Exam
Discrediting the doctor: Should it be permissible to secretly videotape a claimant’s independent medical exam?
By Ben Rubinowitz and Evan Torgan
Pa.’s Network for Managing Workers’ Comp Is Here
To say that the launch of Pennsylvania’s automated workers’ comp system has been “trying” is a vast understatement
By Christian Petrucci
A Subrogation Setback Provides a Framework for Lien Waivers
Pennsylvania claimants should formulate third-party settlement agreements detailing reduction or waiver of liens
By Samuel H. Pond and Keld R. Wenge