On Jan.14, Judge Clarkson Fisher Jr. properly held a mother accountable for leaving her 19-month-old child unattended in a motor vehicle while she shopped for party goods. Dep’t of Children and Families v. E.D.-O., ___ N.J. Super. ___ (App. Div. 2014).

According to his opinion, on May 6, 2009, the defendant parked and locked her car, with the motor running and windows opened a crack, with her 19-month-old sleeping child belted in a car seat, while she proceeded to shop for five to 10 minutes in a store 150 feet from her car. When she returned to her car, she was greeted by police officers. After the defendant was charged with child endangerment, an investigation by the Division of Child Protection and Permanency substantiated the charge, which resulted in the defendant’s being included in the child abuse registry. N.J.A.C. 9:6-8.11.

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