01-2-3507 In the Matter of Everett, App. Div. (per curiam) (10 pp.) Everett appeals the Civil Service Commission’s final agency decision upholding his “resignation in good standing” termination from employment as a Burlington County corrections officer. The panel affirms, holding that the agency’s decision was not clearly mistaken or so plainly unwarranted as to demand intervention and correction where Everett was notified four times of the steps necessary for approval of his Family Medical Leave Act leave request but he failed to provide a properly certified form, which was more than a negligible glitch in the paperwork as there was nothing unreasonable about the employer requiring the medical provider to certify the course of treatment which warranted the leave being requested. In light of Everett’s seeming indifference to the employer’s clear requirements while genuinely unable to work, the sanction of resignation in good standing was appropriate.