Law firm marketing directors attended a luncheon at Brooklake Country Club in Florham Park, N.J., on Oct. 14. Publisher Emeritus Robert Steinbaum introduced the New Jersey Law Journal‘s new management team of Vice President and Group Publisher Hal M. Cohen, Northeast Regional Editor-in-Chief Hank Grezlak and New Jersey Bureau Chief Zack Needles. Shown, from left: Kevin Murphy, Amy Davis, Peter Moeller, Pamela Brownstein, Rachel Anevski, Judy Raines, Paula Porter, Julie Gannon, Dawn Aanador, Alissa Imperatue, Jamie Field, Tuyet Door, Mary Che, Nina Dietrich, Patricia Tibere, Irene Maslowski, Alexandra Kahn, Dave Woods, Shana Gillis, Stacey Carriker, Richelle Delavan, Kristen Brierley, Mitchell Rait, Alicia Mariconda, Rich Deluca, Micah Buchdahl, Angela Pandolfo Roy, Marcia Jeffers and Alan Levine.
Byrne Receives Essex Bar Lifetime Achievement Award
On Oct. 16, at Nanina’s in the Park in Belleville, N.J., the Essex County Bar Association honored longtime member, supporter and pillar of the Essex legal community Gov. Brendan Byrne with the Bar’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Gov. Byrne was introduced by former Chief Justice James Zazzali and Byrne’s son, Thomas Byrne. Reflecting on over 65 years of legal and political accomplishments that eclipse any other N.J., lawyer today, both gentleman also spoke of the governor’s integrity, statesmanship and indelible sense of humor. The assembly of more than 250 members of the Essex legal community also honored those among its membership who are celebrating their golden anniversary in the law, graduating from law school in 1964, recognizing each of them individually with a presentation and remarks highlighting each members’ contributions to the profession. Shown, from left, front row: Benjamin DelVento, Gov. Byrne, Hon. Theodore Winard, Mark Larner; back row: Martin Sarver, Robert Sochor, Irwin Facher, Robert Podvey, Frank Vecchione, John Dwyer, James Orr, Michael Griffinger, Yale Lazris and the Hon. Philip Freedman.