As lawyers, we are all familiar by now with the tried and decidedly true interview tips that apply universally—do your research, wear a suit, brush your hair (and your teeth!), bring extra copies of your résumé, send a thank you note, etc. The list could go on forever, but advice geared specifically toward young attorneys looking to make a career move is hard to find—and often outdated. What you did and said during OCI before your 2L year may no longer apply when you are looking for a change a number of years down the line. So we got together and came up with a few interview tips specifically geared toward those looking to make a lateral move within the practice of law.

• Unless you are looking to change practice groups, the most important factor when making a lateral move will likely be “fit.” Do you, the real you, fit into your prospective firm’s culture? Is their culture the change you are actually looking for? Do you “click” with your potential new bosses? Now is the time to capitalize on the expanded network you have cultivated through actually practicing law, and gather some honest, storied perspectives on what it is really like to work at the targeted firm. And who knows? Through this process, you may just end up with a positive and unsolicited (the best kind) recommendation from someone trusted within the firm.

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