My generation was probably the first to grow up watching television. I remember the little black and white TV in my room where I watched immortal classics such as Howdy Doody, Captain Video, Superman and the Lone Ranger. I suppose I should have spent more time curled up with a good book or communing with nature, but TV, even the terrible TV of the early years, was like a drug whose grip I could not break. I was seduced, under the spell and captive to an unrelenting gravitational force from which there was no release.
Truth is, I still find myself staring at video images, albeit on a much larger screen part of a more sophisticated video system. Captain Video and Howdy are long gone and it’s usually not worth the time to watch the Mets play these days. Nope, instead of watching the Lone Ranger and Superman, I find myself in front of a screen, watching countless mobile and in-station videos that are prepared for different purposes by law enforcement.
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