The Hunterdon County Bar Association presented a free Law Day/Court Night Program on May 3, 2017, at the Historic Courthouse in Flemington. Professor Earl Maltz, distinguished professor of law at Rutgers Law School’s Camden campus, was the guest speaker that evening. Maltz’s talk was entitled, “The Fourteenth Amendment: Transforming American Democracy.” Maltz outlined the history of the Fourteenth Amendment, sharing his insights on the events affecting its interpretation. As part of the celebration, awards were presented to the county’s mock trial champion team from Voorhees High School, to the “Law Adventure” team from Clinton Township Middle School, and to the “Law Fair” team from Round Valley School in Clinton Township. Also, Boy Scouts in attendance were able to sign up for a law merit badge clinic. The program is cosponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation and funded by the IOLTA Fund of New Jersey.

Brach Eichler Marks 50th Anniversary

This year, Brach Eichler celebrates its 50th anniversary and began its year-long celebration with an employee cocktail party on April 8, 2017, held at the firm’s Roseland offices. In toasting the attendees, managing partner and health law practice chair John Fanburg said, “Fifty years is a noteworthy milestone—not only because it marks our firm’s longevity and years of continued service to our clients, but it also underscores just how we have grown together and succeeded in changing times.” The firm’s anniversary will be marked by several special events throughout the year, including its year-long “Fifty Years, Fifty Acts” campaign, in which the firm has identified those causes, charities and civic endeavors that matter most to its employees. The firm plans to donate money, goods or paid time off for volunteering to those causes.

Dentons’ Lopes-McLeman Named 2017 Pathfinder by the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity

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