Bridgewater-based law firm Norris McLaughlin & Marcus welcomes Raymond Lahoud as a partner and chair of its immigration law practice, and William Menard as an associate in the immigration law practice group. They, along with their team, join Norris McLaughlin & Marcus from Baurkot & Baurkot, an immigration law and deportation defense law firm in Easton, Pennsylvania.

Lahoud primarily focuses his practice on immigration law and deportation defense for individuals and corporations in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. He has been awarded the Empire State Pro Bono Counsel Award since 2012. Lahoud earned his B.A. in English, summa cum laude, from Lehigh University college in 2006, where he served as the editor of The Lehigh Review, earned dean’s list honors, was named a “President’s Scholar,” was inducted into Phi Beta Delta, and received, among other awards, the Williams Award, Treen Scholarship, and Littner Scholarship. He earned his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center in 2009.

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