• Kordek v. Innovative Mfg.

    Publication Date: 2018-03-23
    Practice Area: Employment Litigation
    Court: Appellate Division
    Judge: Per Curiam
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A-0006-16T3

    Petitioner appealed the judgment awarding him permanent partial disability benefits for his workplace injury.

  • Malat v. Ahmad

    Publication Date: 2018-03-23
    Practice Area: Contracts
    Court: Appellate Division
    Judge: Per Curiam
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A-2188-16T1

    Plaintiff appealed from the dismissal of his complaint following a proof hearing.

  • State v. White

    Publication Date: 2018-03-22
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Appellate Division
    Judge: Per Curiam
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A-5241-15T1

    Defendant appealed his convictions on drug and firearms charges.

  • J.C. v. New Jersey State Parole Bd.

    Publication Date: 2018-03-22
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Appellate Division
    Judge: Per Curiam
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A-3174-16T1

    Convicted sex offender appealed the Parole Board's denial of his request to have unsupervised visitation and to reside with his minor children.

  • State v. Fassihi

    Publication Date: 2018-03-22
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Appellate Division
    Judge: Per Curiam
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A-0704-16T1

    Defendant appealed from his conviction following a jury trial on two counts of possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose.

  • State v. Mojica

    Publication Date: 2018-03-22
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Appellate Division
    Judge: Per Curiam
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A-2411-16T3

    Defendant appealed from his judgment of conviction following his guilty plea to unlawful possession of a weapon.

  • State v. Richardson

    Publication Date: 2018-03-22
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Appellate Division
    Judge: Per Curiam
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A-1866-16T2

    Defendant appealed from the denial of his motion to suppress controlled dangerous substances police found inside a plastic bag defendant allegedly tossed out a window when police entered the house where defendant was located to execute an arrest warrant for other individuals.

  • Bass v. New Jersey Dept. of Corr.

    Publication Date: 2018-03-22
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Appellate Division
    Judge: Per Curiam
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A-0797-16T4

    Plaintiff appealed from defendant's final agency decision, which found that plaintiff, a state prisoner, committed the prohibited act of indecent exposure.

  • W.G. v. New Jersey Dept. of Human Serv.

    Publication Date: 2018-03-20
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Appellate Division
    Judge: Per Curiam
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A-0908-16T2

    Plaintiff, civilly committed to the STU pursuant to the SVPA, appealed from defendant's final agency decision denying plaintiff's grievance.

  • In the Matter of the Estate of Garay

    Publication Date: 2018-03-20
    Practice Area: Trusts and Estates
    Court: Appellate Division
    Judge: Per Curiam
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A-1735-16T1

    Plaintiffs appealed the dismissal of their complaint in their action asserting fraud and unjust enrichment in their sister's purchase of property owned by mother and estate of deceased father. Father died testate in 1979 and mother resided in the house until she and co-executors of father's estate sold it to defendants, sister and her husband, in 2013.