• Franzen et al. v. Downtown Development Authority of Atlanta et al.

    Publication Date: 2020-08-03
    Practice Area: Government | Land Use and Planning | Project Finance
    Industry: Construction | Real Estate | State and Local Government
    Court: Georgia Supreme Court
    Judge: Chief Justice Melton
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Carranza M. Pryor, (The Pryor Law Firm), Atlanta, John Floyd Woodham, (Woodham Law, LLC), Atlanta, for appellant.
    for defendant: Matthew James Calvert, Laura T. Wagner, (Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP), Atlanta, Robert Sparks Highsmith, Douglass Payton Selby, (Hunton & Williams, LLP), Atlanta, Alvin LaMont Kendall, (The Kendall Law Firm), Atlanta, Keith M. Wiener, (Holland & Knight LLP), Atlanta, for appellee. Christopher M. Carr, Ross Warren Bergethon, (Department of Law), Atlanta, for other party.

    Case Number: S20A0328

    City of Atlanta Had Statutory and Constitutional Authority to Finance Redevelopment Project Through Infrastructure Fees

  • Newman v. The State

    Publication Date: 2020-07-15
    Practice Area: Criminal Law | Evidence
    Court: Georgia Supreme Court
    Judge: Chief Justice Melton
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Steven Lee Sparger, Savannah, for appellant.
    for defendant: Patricia B. Attaway Burton, Paula Khristian Smith, Christopher M. Carr, Michael Alexander Oldham, (Department of Law), Atlanta, Matthew Breedon, Margaret Ellen Heap, (Office of the District Attorney Eastern Judicial Circuit), Savannah, for appellee.

    Case Number: S20A0409

    Trial Counsel Was Not Ineffective in Failing to Object to Prior Convictions From Years Ago Being Admitted Into Evidence at Trial for Impeachment Purposes

  • Norris v. The State

    Publication Date: 2020-06-26
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Georgia Supreme Court
    Judge: Chief Justice Melton
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Konrad Gerhard Waldemar Ziegler, Christopher Ryan Lee, (Lee & Ziegler, LLP), Canton, for appellant.
    for defendant: Patricia B. Attaway Burton, Matthew Blackwell Crowder, Paula Khristian Smith, Christopher M. Carr, (Department of Law), Atlanta, William Patrick Doupé, Dennis C. Sanders, James William Allen, (Toombs Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office), Thomson, for appellee.

    Case Number: S20A0500

    Juvenile Who Shot Her Father Not Entitled to Mistake-of-Fact Jury Instruction

  • Mathenia et al. v. Brumbelow

    Publication Date: 2020-06-12
    Practice Area: Family Law
    Court: Georgia Supreme Court
    Judge: Chief Justice Melton
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Justin Young Hester, (Hester Outman, LLC), Norcross, James B. Outman, (Hester Outman, LLC), Atlanta, for appellant.
    for defendant: Timothy Paul Healy, (The Healy Law Firm, LLC), Toccoa, Thomas L. Hatchett, Dennis T. Cathey, (Cathey & Strain, LLC), Cornelia, for appellee.

    Case Number: S19G0426

    Evidence Supported Trial Court's Conclusion Natural Father Abandoned Opportunity Interest in His Child

  • Hill v. The State

    Publication Date: 2020-06-08
    Practice Area: Constitutional Law | Criminal Law
    Court: Georgia Supreme Court
    Judge: Chief Justice Melton
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Christina Rupp Cribbs, Veronica M. O'Grady, (Georgia Public Defender Council - Appellate Division), Atlanta, for appellant.
    for defendant: Christopher Allen Arnt, Herbert E. Franklin, Jr., (Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office), LaFayette, Patricia B. Attaway Burton, Paula Khristian Smith, Christopher M. Carr, Ashleigh Dene Headrick, (Department of Law), Atlanta, for appellee.

    Case Number: S20A0285

    Order Requiring Criminal Defendant to be Visibly Shackled During Six-Day Jury Trial Was Reversible Error

  • Law Journal Press | Digital Book

    New Jersey Estate Litigation 2014

    Authors: Michael R. Griffinger, Paul F. Cullum III

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  • Collins v. The State

    Publication Date: 2020-06-05
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Georgia Supreme Court
    Judge: Chief Justice Melton
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Derek M. Wright, (Derek M. Wright, LLC), Atlanta, for appellant.
    for defendant: Patricia B. Attaway Burton, Paula Khristian Smith, Christopher M. Carr, Katherine DeRosa Emerson, (Department of Law), Atlanta, Paul L. Howard, Jr., Kevin Christopher Armstrong, Lyndsey Hurst Rudder, (Fulton County District Attorney's Office), Atlanta, for appellee.

    Case Number: S20A0195

    Post-Trial Conversations With Jurors Did Not Establish Basis For Pursuing Claim of Juror Misconduct

  • Rickman v. The State

    Publication Date: 2020-06-03
    Practice Area: Criminal Law | Evidence
    Court: Georgia Supreme Court
    Judge: Chief Justice Melton
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Daniel Horne Petrey, (Dekalb County Public Defender's Office), Decatur, for appellant.
    for defendant: Patricia B. Attaway Burton, Paula Khristian Smith, Christopher M. Carr, Matthew David O'Brien, (Department of Law), Atlanta, Sheila Ann Ross, Peter J. Skandalakis, (Prosecuting Attorneys Council of Georgia), Morrow, for appellee.

    Case Number: S20A0127

    Any Alleged Error in Trial Court's Admission of Character Evidence to Show Motive and Intent Was Harmless, as Evidence of Defendant's Guilt Was Strong

  • Glenn v. The State

    Publication Date: 2020-05-04
    Practice Area: Criminal Appeals
    Court: Georgia Supreme Court
    Judge: Chief Justice Melton
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Patrick Ervin Chisholm, (Office of the Public Defender), Bainbridge, for appellant.
    for defendant: Patricia B. Attaway Burton, Matthew Blackwell Crowder, Paula Khristian Smith, Christopher M. Carr, (Department of Law), Atlanta, Joseph Kenneth Mulholland, Moruf O. Oseni, (South Georgia Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office), Bainbridge, for appellee.

    Case Number: S20A0058

    Court rejected murder defendant's appeal that had been based on a denial of a motion to suppress because the appellate record was incomplete

  • Simmons v. The State

    Publication Date: 2020-04-30
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Georgia Supreme Court
    Judge: Chief Justice Melton
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Larry Michael Johnson, Nashville, for appellant.
    for defendant: Patricia B. Attaway Burton, Paula Khristian Smith, Michael Alexander Oldham, Christopher M. Carr, (Department of Law), Atlanta, Bradfield M. Shealy, Michelle Thomas Harrison, (Southern Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office), Valdosta, for appellee.

    Case Number: S20A0232

    Victim's Family's Emotional Outbursts in Court Hallway Did Not Prejudice Defendant's Right to Fair Trial

  • Parham v. Stewart

    Publication Date: 2020-04-07
    Practice Area: Election and Political Law
    Court: Georgia Supreme Court
    Judge: Chief Justice Melton
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: John Ryd Bush Long, (John R. B. Long, P.C.), Augusta, for appellant.
    for defendant: Edward Jerome Tarver, (Enoch Tarver P.C.), Augusta, for appellee.

    Case Number: S19A1498

    Appellant Challenging Results of Mayoral Special Election Failed to Show That Enough Illegal Votes Had Been Cast to Change to Place in Doubt the Election's Result