Publication Date: 2021-07-23
Practice Area: Personal Injury
Court: Georgia Court of Appeals
Judge: Judge Brown
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Jordon Morrow, (Brannen, Searcy & Smith), Savannah, for appellant.
for defendant: J. Smith, Michael Cauley, (Smith Cauley LLC), Dublin, Daniel Snipes, (Taulbee, Rushing, Snipes, Marsh & Hodgin, LLC), Statesboro, for appellee; Anthony Adkins, (Speed, Seta, Martin & Trivett, LLC), Lawrenceville, Daniel Prout, (Waldon Adelman Castilla Hiestand & Prout), Atlanta, for other party.
Case Number: A21A0493
Newspaper Defendants Cannot Be Held Vicariously Liable for Vehicle Collision; Newspaper Carrier Was an Independent Contractor Over Which Defendants Did Not Exercise Sufficient Control