Publication Date: 2020-12-02
Practice Area: Health Care Law | Medical Malpractice | Personal Injury
Industry: Health Care
Court: Georgia Court of Appeals
Judge: Judge Colvin
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Heather McGrotty, Paul Weathington, David Hanson, (Weathington Smith), Atlanta, for appellant.
for defendant: Joseph King, (Joseph H. King, Jr. P.C.), Atlanta, Kenneth Leivne, (Kenneth M. Levine & Associates, LLC), Brookline, for appellee. Sarah Adle, (Harris Lowry Manton LLP), Brookhaven, Lyle Warshauer, (Warshauer Law Group, P.C.), Atlanta, Allison Thornton, (Georgia Trial Lawyers Association), Atlanta, for other party. Donald Palmisano, (Medical Association of Georgia), Atlanta, for AM.
Case Number: A20A1447
Gross Negligence Standard of Care Applied to Medical Emergency That Arose During Childbirth in Hospital Obstetrical Unit