Publication Date: 2020-04-22
Practice Area: Personal Injury
Court: Georgia Court of Appeals
Judge: Judge Coomer
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Helen Cleveland, (Cleveland Gilbreath, LLC), Atlanta, Kathleen Simcoe, Theodore Pound, (Owen Gleaton Egan Jones & Sweeney, LLP), Atlanta, for appellant.
for defendant: Michael Schroder, Shannon Schlottmann, (Swift, Currie, McGhee & Hiers), Atlanta, Harold Hilton, (Hawkins Parnell Thackston & Young LLP), Atlanta, Sean Ryan, (Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP), Atlanta, Pearson Cunningham, (Hall Booth Smith), Atlanta, for appellee
Case Number: A19A2384
Personal Injury Plaintiff Failed to Show That Trial Court Erred in Excluding Doctor's Expert Testimony, as She Failed to Show its Admissibility