Publication Date: 2019-07-29
Practice Area: Employment Litigation
Industry: Insurance
Court: Georgia Court of Appeals
Judge: Judge Coomer
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Christopher Whitlock, (Carlock, Copeland & Stair, LLP), Atlanta, Thomas Beauchamp, (McAngus Goudelock & Courie LLC), Atlanta, for appellant.
for defendant: Albert McManes, (A. Spencer McManes, Jr., PC), Alpharetta, Jennifer Smith, (Ken David & Associates, LLC), Atlanta, Foy Horne, (Foy S. Horne, Jr., P.C.), Athens, for appellee.
Case Number: A19A0497
Court Affirms Workers' Compensation Ruling That Insurer Had Waived Defense to Paying Claims on Basis That Policy Was Void Where Insurer Failed to Assert Fraud Defense at Time That Facts Giving Rise to Allegations of Fraud Became Known