Publication Date: 2019-04-09
Practice Area: Employment Litigation
Industry: Transportation
Court: Georgia Court of Appeals
Judge: Judge Coomer
Attorneys: For plaintiff: William Noland, (Noland Law Firm, LLC), Macon, Virginia Josey, (Macon Bibb Superior Court), Macon, for appellant.
for defendant: Stuart Walker, John McGoldrick, (Martin Snow, LLP), Macon, for appellee. Christopher Jarrard, (C. Brian Jarrard LLC), Macon, John Stewart, (Hall, Bloch, Garland & Meyer), Macon, for other party.
Case Number: A18A2108
Court Reverses Trial Court Order Granting Injunction Against Competition by Former Back-Hoe Operator Who Joined Competing Construction Contractor Where Trial Court Erroneously Concluded That Employee was a Key Employee