Publication Date: 2013-05-24
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Western District
Judge: District Judge Charles J. Siragusa
Attorneys: For plaintiff:
for defendant: For Plaintiff: John R. Parrinello, Esq., the Parrinello Law Firm, LLP, Rochester, NY. For Defendants County of Monroe, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office and Sheriff Patrick M. O'flynn: Howard A. Stark, Esq., Monroe County Department of Law, Rochester, NY. For Defendants The Town of Greece, the Town of Greece Police Department, Officer Shaun Moore, Officer Joseph Hopper and John Doe Numbers 11 Through 20: David D. Spoto, Esq., Gallo & Iacovangelo LLP, Rochester, NY.
Case Number: 11-CV-6219-CJS-JWF
Cite as: Virginia K. Miller v. County of Monroe, 11-CV-6219-CJS-JWF, NYLJ 1202601376566, at *1 (WDNY, Decided May 17, 2013)District Judge Charles J. Sira