• Ferrara v. NYS, 2011-009-108: Claim number(s): 109815

    Publication Date: 2011-05-26
    Practice Area:
    Court: New York State Court of Claims
    Judge: Judge Nicholas V. Midey Jr.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Claimant's Attorney: Finkelstein & Partners, LLP; By: Christopher T. Milliman, Esq., Of Counsel.
    for defendant: Defendant's Attorney: Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General; By: Patricia M. Bordonaro, Esq., Assistant Attorney General, Of Counsel.

    Case Number: 2011-009-108: Claim number(s): 109815

    Cite as: Ferrara v. NYS, 2011-009-108, NYLJ 1202495208137, at *1 (Ct. of Clms, Decided March 28, 2011)Judge Nicholas V. Midey Jr.De

  • Perkins v. The State of New York, 117920

    Publication Date: 2011-12-19
    Practice Area:
    Court: Court of Claims, New York County
    Judge: Judge Nicholas V. Midey
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Claimant's attorney By: Robert G. Bennett, Esq. and Michael J. Balestra, Esq. of Counsel, Menter Rudin & Trivelpiece, P.C.
    for defendant: Defendant's attorney By: Christopher Wiles, Esq., Assistant Attorney General of Counsel, Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman Attorney General.

    Case Number: 117920

    Cite as: Perkins v. The State of New York, 117920, NYLJ 1202535888382, at *1 (Ct. of Clms., NY, Decided November 16, 2011)Judge Nicholas V. Mideyp cl

  • Gristwood v. NYS, 2013-009-102

    Publication Date: 2013-05-10
    Practice Area:
    Court: New York State Court of Claims
    Judge: Judge Nicholas V. Midey JR.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Claimant's Attorney: By: Thomas F. Shannon, Esq., and William F. Lynn, Esq., of Counsel., Nicholas V. Midey Jr., Lynn Law Firm, LLP.
    for defendant: Defendant's Attorney: By: Bonnie G. Levy, Esq., and Ray A. Kyles, Esq., Assistant Attorneys General of Counsel., Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman Attorney General

    Case Number: 2013-009-102

    Cite as: Gristwood v. NYS, 2013-009-102, NYLJ 1202599369000, at *1 (Ct. of Clms., NY, Decided April 4, 2013)Judge Nicholas V. Midey

  • David Reynolds v. The State of NY, 106738

    Publication Date: 2012-08-27
    Practice Area:
    Court: Court of Claims, New York County
    Judge: Judge Nicholas V. Midey
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Claimant's attorney: Charles Burkwit, Esq. and Robert L. Burkwit, Esq., Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo Attorney General
    for defendant: Defendant's attorney By: Michael R. O'Neill, Esq., Assistant Attorney General of Counsel.

    Case Number: 106738

    Cite as: David Reynolds v. The State of NY, 106738, NYLJ 1202568870415, at *1 (Ct. of Clms., NY, Decided December 23, 2009)Judge Nicholas V. Mideyp c

  • David Reynolds v. The State of NY, 106738

    Publication Date: 2012-08-27
    Practice Area:
    Court: Court of Claims, New York County
    Judge: Judge Nicholas V. Midey
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Claimant's attorney: Charles Burkwit, Esq. and Robert L. Burkwit, Esq., Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman Attorney General.
    for defendant: Defendant's attorney By: Bonnie G. Levy, Esq., and Ed J. Thompson, Esq., Assistant Attorneys General of Counsel.

    Case Number: 106738

    Cite as: David Reynolds v. The State of NY, 106738, NYLJ 1202568871302, at *1 (Ct. of Clms., NY, Decided May 14, 2012)Judge Nicholas V. Mideyp class=