• Matter of Martha R.Y. v. Antonio S.

    Publication Date: 2015-07-17
    Practice Area:
    Court: Family Court, Nassau County
    Judge: Judge Robin Kent
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Petitioner Martha R.Y., is represented by: Dawn Pipek Guidone, Esq.
    for defendant: Respondent Antonio S., is represented by: Legal Aid Society of Nassau County, Yury Sakharov, Esq. Subject Child Ena S.Y., is represented by: Maureen L. McLoughlin, Esq.

    Case Number: [Index Number Redacted by Court]

    Cite as: Matt Martha R.Y. v. Antonio S., [Index Number Redacted by Court], NYLJ 1202732275763, at *1 (Fam., NA, Decided July 1, 2015) CASENAME In the Matt