• Hayo v. State of N.Y.

    Publication Date: 2018-10-02
    Practice Area: Personal Injury
    Court: Court of Claims, Westchester
    Judge: Judge Thomas Scuccimarra
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Claimant by: Scott J. Koplik, Esq, Law Office of Scott J. Koplik
    for defendant: For Defendant by: J. Gardner Ryan, Assistant Attorney General, Hon. Barbara D. Underwood, Attorney General of the State of New York

    Case Number: 121086

    NYS Judicially Estopped From Arguing Inconsistent Positions, WCL Defense Struck

  • Montanez v. The State of N.Y., 125895

    Publication Date: 2017-05-02
    Practice Area:
    Court: New York State, Court of Claims
    Judge: Judge Thomas Scuccimarra
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Claimant by: Stanislav I. Ladnik, Esq., Law Office of Louis C. Fiabane.
    for defendant: For Defendant: by: Suzette C. Merritt, Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General of the State of New York Assistant Attorney General.

    Case Number: 125895

    Cheerleading Accident Not Negligence; Assumption of Risk Doctrine Bar

  • Pratow Corporation, Claimant v. The State of New York, Defendant, 122445

    Publication Date: 2016-02-11
    Practice Area:
    Court: Court of Claims, New York County
    Judge: Judge Thomas Scuccimarra
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Claimant by: Adam M. Peska, Esq., Peska & Associates, P.C.
    for defendant: For Defendant by: Dian Kerr McCullough, Assistant Attorney General, Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General of the State of New York.

    Case Number: 122445

    Cite as: Pratow Corporation v. The State of N.Y., 122445, NYLJ 1202749464868, at *1 (Ct. of Clms., Decided August 15, 2015) 122445 Judge Thomas Sc

  • Norman Small, Claimant v. The State of New York, Defendant, 120344

    Publication Date: 2015-12-11
    Practice Area:
    Court: Court of Claims, New York County
    Judge: Judge Thomas Scuccimarra
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant: For Claimant By: Andrew F. Plasse, Esq., Andrew F. Plasse & Associates LLC. For Defendant By: Dian Kerr McCullough, Assistant Attorney General, Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General of the State of New York.

    Case Number: 120344

    Cite as: Small v. The State of New York, 120344, NYLJ 1202744635606, at *1 (Ct. of Clms., NY, Decided June 25, 2015) 120344 Judge Thomas Scucc

  • Nolan v. The State of New York, 123283

    Publication Date: 2015-10-28
    Practice Area:
    Court: Court of Claims, New York County
    Judge: Judge Thomas Scuccimarra
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant: For Claimant By: Erin Lloyd, Esq., Lloyd Patel LLP. For Defendant By: Cheryl Rameau, Assistant Attorney General, Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General of the State of New York.

    Case Number: 123283

    Cite as: Nolan v. NYS, 123283, NYLJ 1202740925277, at *1 (Ct. of Clms., NY, Decided June 18, 2015) CASE NAME Avril Nolan, Claimant v. The State of New Yo

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  • Dedivanaj v. State of New York, 112194

    Publication Date: 2008-04-22
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2008-03-13
    Court: Unknown
    Judge: Thomas Scuccimarra
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 112194

    Judge Thomas H. Scuccimarra COURT OF CLAIMS Appearances: For Claimants: William H. Bave, Jr., Esq. Wilson, Bave, Conboy, Cozza & Couzens, P.C. p

  • City of New York v. State of New York, 112579

    Publication Date: 2010-03-08
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2009-12-23
    Court: Other
    Judge: Thomas Scuccimarra
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 112579

    Judge Thomas H. Scuccimarra COURT OF CLAIMS Appearances: For Claimant: By: Michael A. Cardozo, Esq. and John R. Low-Beer, Esq., Senior Counsel, Corporation Counsel for the C

  • Harding v. State of New York, 109786

    Publication Date: 2008-07-18
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2008-05-13
    Judge: Thomas Scuccimarra
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 109786

    Judge Thomas H. Scuccimarra COURT OF CLAIMS Appearances: For Claimant: By: Emil Sanchez, Esq. Friedman, Khafif & Sanchez, LLP For Defend