The Month

Cuatrecasas Parts Ways with FC Barcelona Over Messi Transfer

The FC Barcelona captain may leave the club after 20 years.

By Meganne Tillay / September 03, 2020

Lionel Messi, FC Barcelona – Credits: Simon Dael, © 2018 Bloomberg Finance LP

Spanish firm Cuatrecasas is no longer acting as FC Barcelona's legal adviser due to an alleged conflict of interest over the anticipated exit of star player Lionel Messi.

Cuatrecasas is advising Ballon d'Or winner Messi on his possible transfer from FC Barcelona, which he first joined in 2000, according to the club's website.

Until last week, the firm was one of the club's long-standing advisers, providing it with legal advice on corporate tax matters. But FC Barcelona has cut ties with the firm due to an alleged conflict of interest, according to several local media reports.

The firm told International: "Any client can freely decide at any time to end its relationship with their legal advisors. We fully understand the reasons that led FC Barcelona to make this decision."

"For Cuatrecasas, it has been a privilege to be able to advise FC Barcelona and we hope to be able to do so again in the future, when circumstances allow us to do so."

FC Barcelona did not respond to requests for comment in time for publication.

The Barcelona captain's decision to consider breaking away from the club after 20 years has touted speculations that he might be joining an English club. Manchester City is reportedly among the elite European teams investigating the possibility of signing him.