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Adil Mohamedbhai

Barrister | Serle Court

Office Location: United Kingdom


England and Wales, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Jersey, Guernsey, The Bahamas, Mauritius, Singapore, Abu Dhabi

Top Specialisms

Trusts: Contentious

Commercial Litigation

Civil Fraud

Professional Biography

I have a broad commercial chancery practice. I have particular expertise in high-value, multi-jurisdictional offshore, trust, private client, civil fraud and commercial disputes. I act both as sole counsel and junior counsel as part of a team of barristers. In addition to regular appearances in both the Chancery Division and the Commercial Court, I have appeared in the Court of Appeal, the UK Supreme Court and the Privy Council. I also have substantial experience appearing in, or assisting with, cases in other jurisdictions, including Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, the BVI, Jersey, Guernsey, the Bahamas and Mauritius. Prior to coming to the Bar, I qualified as a solicitor at Freshfields, where I was involved in a broad range of transactional and contentious work.