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Ben Thorp

Counsel | Mourant

Office Location: London, United Kingdom



Top Specialisms

Trusts: Contentious

Commercial Litigation

Dispute Resolution or Arbitration

Professional Biography

I am Counsel in the litigation team at Mourant in Jersey. I have broad experience in general commercial and trusts litigation, having worked on high profile and ultra-high value matters in both Jersey and the UK. I qualified and practised at a large transatlantic law firm in the UK (during which time I completed three different client secondments), and spent two years working in another top-tier litigation team in Jersey. I have extensive contentious trusts experience, including acting for both individual beneficiary plaintiffs and defendant professional fiduciaries in relation to cross-jurisdictional and ultra-high value structures and disputes. I have also acted in a number of regulatory matters, including appeals against regulator decisions, disclosures to local and foreign authorities (including under the tax information exchange legislation), and compliance with international sanctions.

What is your favorite restaurant to take a client or colleague to?

Samphire, St Helier

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Forget about your last shot, good or bad.

What was your first job?


What is the book you recommend to everyone?

The Magus by John Fowles