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Brian Lacy

Head of BVI Dispute Resolution | Ogier

Office Location: Jersey


British Virgin Islands

Top Specialisms

Trusts: Contentious

Commercial Litigation

Civil Fraud

Professional Biography

Brian is the Head of BVI Dispute Resolution at Ogier. He is a commercial litigation barrister, who regularly appears as an advocate in the BVI Commercial Court and Court of Appeal. His practice encompasses civil fraud, insolvency and contentious trusts & probate - often with instances of overlap. He has particular expertise in matters involving the Middle East, FSU and PRC.

What is your favorite restaurant to take a client or colleague to?

The Ten Cases, Covent Garden

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails.' Things never go entirely to plan, whether in work or life, an being able to pivot without taking too much of a hit is critical.

What was your first job?

Paintball Marshal (Aged 14-18. Loved it.)

What is the book you recommend to everyone?

The Long Walk, Salvomir Rawicz – it puts the 'challenges' we face into perspective.

What changes do you expect to see in your practice over the next year?

An increase in contentious probate, particularly from the Middle East.