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Ceris Gardner

Partner | Maurice Turnor Gardner

Office Location: United Kingdom


England and Wales

Top Specialisms

Trusts: Planning

Estates: Planning


Professional Biography

Ceris is a private wealth lawyer of over 30 years’ standing. She advises UK and non-UK domiciled and resident individuals, families, estates and trustees on UK and international tax and succession issues, establishing UK and offshore trusts, family limited partnerships and other cross border asset-holding structures. Ceris also has a wealth of experience advising on immigration, philanthropy and art and heritage property matters. Her wide-ranging experience means that, for clients, she is eminently qualified to take on the role of their trusted adviser. Ceris is well known for advising both grant-making and operational charities on matters of charity law and tax with a particular emphasis recently on governance and risk issues.

What is your favorite restaurant to take a client or colleague to?

Café du Marche

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Always treat others as you would want to be treated yourself.

What was your first job?

At school, Saturday shop assistant in a fruit and veg shop/career wise, executive officer in the Capital Taxes Office of the Inland Revenue

What is the book you recommend to everyone?

Currently “Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus.

What changes do you expect to see in your practice over the next year?

Clients will be concerned about possible changes to the non-domicile regime which is likely to lead to a desire to re-structure their affairs where this can be achieved tax efficiently. Also I am anticipating a greater interest in philanthropy and impact investing from Government level down.