Office Location: England and Wales
England and Wales
Estates: Planning
Trusts: Planning
Tax Advisory
Claire Weeks is a partner in the Private Wealth team at Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP. Claire advises UK and international individuals, trustees and family offices on a wide variety of tax, wealth structuring and estate planning issues. She has particular experience advising high net worth individuals in relation to pre-UK immigration planning strategies and the tax implications of being UK tax resident but non-UK domiciled. She frequently advises trustees of offshore structures on UK tax issues. She also has a keen interest in the UK taxation of high value residential property.
Question : What drew you to specialise in private client law/ wealth advisory?
Answer: The parties!
Question : For lawyers entering private client law, what are key skills you think are essential?
Answer: A thirst for technical knowledge, combined with empathy and being able to demonstrate your own personality
Question : With the evolving landscape of the private client world, what are recent trends or shifts you are excited to explore?
Answer: I DREAD a global wealth tax
Question : Where is your favourite place to take a peer for a cocktail or coffee?
Answer: I love bars in nice hotels and London has some of the best