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Jon Grouf

Partner | Duane Morris

Office Location: United States


United States

Top Specialisms

Trusts: Planning

Estates: Planning

Tax Advisory

Professional Biography

Jon Grouf's practice areas also include domestic and cross-border estate and trust planning and administration; income and transfer tax structuring for inbound and outbound investments; family succession; compliance, including voluntary disclosures; and pre-immigration and expatriation planning. Such work includes the representation of clients before federal and state tax authorities to resolve domestic and international tax controversies. Mr. Grouf's work has a strong international element, with a focus on U.S. and foreign corporate, tax, trust and commercial law. His clients consist principally of high-net-worth individuals (domestic and non-U.S.) and financial institutions. He is a frequent lecturer and author of articles on these subjects. Admitted to practice in New York and Florida, Mr. Grouf is a graduate of Harvard Law School and a graduate of New York University School of Law (LL.M., Taxation) and Yale University (B.A., cum laude).

What is your favorite restaurant to take a client or colleague to?

Il Gattorpardo in New YOrk City

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Never accept "The answer is no".

What was your first job?

Parking cars

What is the book you recommend to everyone?

The Jungle by Upton SInclair

What changes do you expect to see in your practice over the next year?

Everything and nothing