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Lara Mardell

Legal Director | BDB Pitmans

Office Location: United Kingdom


England and Wales

Top Specialisms

Trusts: Planning

Tax Advisory

Professional Biography

I provide English legal and UK tax advice to individuals, all of whom have some kind of international connection, including those from the US, Canada, Europe, the Far East and Middle East. I often advise on moving to or leaving the UK, and how a client should structure their affairs so as to avoid unnecessary or double taxes, and ensuring tax treaties work as they should do. I also work with advisers from different jurisdictions to coordinate cross-border advice. Prior to joining BDB Pitmans I worked in Hong Kong, where I advised on Jersey, Guernsey BVI and Cayman laws, so am familiar with combining those laws with UK ones. This is useful, when advising on tructuring to hold assets effectively, including real estate, and on restructuring and streamlining in order to address new tax and compliance rules and changes in circumstances.

What changes do you expect to see in your practice over the next year?

I expect there will be changes to the remittance basis, though it is not at all clear what these will be. I do hope there will be proper consultation and changes won’t be rushed through. Rushed legislation often has a lot of unintended consequences.