Office Location: England and Wales
England and Wales, Guernsey, Jersey
Estates: Contentious
Lucinda is a specialist in resolving troublesome disputes affecting trusts and estates. She works out of her firm's London and Cambridge offices. Her client base is predominantly high net worth individuals, international charities and fiduciaries. She was elected as Co-Chair of the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists in November 2024. Her cases often involve clients or assets in multiple jurisdictions and most notably the Channel Islands.
Question : What drew you to specialise in private client law/ wealth advisory?
Answer: Working for individuals and helping them at a difficult and stressful time in their lives. For me, resolving disputes is a key function of legal work.
Question : For lawyers entering private client law, what are key skills you think are essential?
Answer: Emotional intelligence, an ability to get on with people from all walks of life, good analytical skills and a keen eye for detail.
Question : With the evolving landscape of the private client world, what are recent trends or shifts you are excited to explore?
Answer: International surrogacy and adoption trends will impact estate and succession planning.
Question : Where is your favourite place to take a peer for a cocktail or coffee?
Answer: Six, at the Varsity in Cambridge or The Wolseley City