Office Location: England and Wales
I act for a broad range of high-profile individuals, their spouses and partners. My focus is on multi-jurisdictional financial disputes; I have particular experience in disputes involving assets held in trust (successfully defending the husband against an allegation of ‘sham’ trust in ND v SD & Ors [2017]). Most recently I successfully represented the husband in the Court of Appeal in the landmark case of Standish v Standish [2024] dealing with issues of ‘matrimonialisation’ and pre-marital wealth. Having practised for two years in Hong Kong, I have notable international experience, especially in Asia. I am regularly instructed in the preparation of nuptial agreements and, as a French speaker, have particular experience in preparing agreements in conjunction with French lawyers as well as across other jurisdictions.
Question : What drew you to specialise in private client law/ wealth advisory?
Answer: People are never boring! It is a great mix of practical and intellectual.
Question : For lawyers entering private client law, what are key skills you think are essential?
Answer: Listening: to clients, to Judges, to those you're working for, those you're working against, those you're working with and those who are working for you (not necessarily in that order).
Question : With the evolving landscape of the private client world, what are recent trends or shifts you are excited to explore?
Answer: In the English family law sphere, arbitration is a game changer for UHNW clients with complex cases who want to avoid the publicity of the family court.