Office Location: England and Wales
England and Wales
Estates: Planning
Trusts: Planning
Tax Advisory
Russell has over twenty years of experience in advising clients how to navigate the complexities of private wealth. He advises clients on how best to structure their wealth, including wealth preservation, tax and succession planning. He has a personable and collaborative style, and is known for advice that is practical and pragmatic. He is head of international strategy at Farrer & Co.
Question : What drew you to specialise in private client law/ wealth advisory?
Answer: The endless fascination of dealing with people.
Question : For lawyers entering private client law, what are key skills you think are essential?
Answer: The ability to listen and to be curious.
Question : With the evolving landscape of the private client world, what are recent trends or shifts you are excited to explore?
Answer: Ex-pats returning to the UK to take advantage of the new "non-dom" tax regime.
Question : Where is your favourite place to take a peer for a cocktail or coffee?
Answer: The Black Penny Cafe, Great Queen Street, London.