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Sarah Moore

Senior Associate (Private Wealth Disputes) | Charles Russell Speechlys

Office Location: England and Wales


England and Wales

Top Specialisms

Dispute Resolution or Arbitration

Estates: Contentious

Trusts: Contentious

Professional Biography

I specialise in international disputes related to private wealth, often involving complex trust structures with a corporate asset base. I have represented individuals, trustees, and charities in claims of breach of trust, constructive trust, under the laws governing property rights on the end of a relationship or death, in contract, and in company law. I work with colleagues across the firm’s locations on cross-border cases.

Question : What drew you to specialise in private client law/ wealth advisory?

Answer: I enjoy working with clients and their businesses to resolve disputes in a way that supports their success. Responsiveness is a key aspect of my practice and I strive for prompt solutions that enable my clients to protect their interests, conserve relatio