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Stephanie Thompson

Barrister | Serle Court

Office Location: United Kingdom


England and Wales, British Virgin Islands

Top Specialisms

Trusts: Contentious

Commercial Litigation

Civil Fraud

Professional Biography

Stephanie is admitted in England and Wales, the British Virgin Islands and New Zealand and has a broad commercial chancery practice, with a focus on civil fraud, offshore trust litigation and domestic trust and probate litigation. She has a particular interest in cases involving conflict of law issues and evidence of foreign law. Stephanie has experience in overseas jurisdictions including Bermuda, The Bahamas, the British Virgin Islands, Jersey, Guernsey and New Zealand. She is regularly instructed as sole counsel but is equally comfortable working as part of a larger team, having been part of the four member counsel team acting in Wong v Grand View Private Trust Co concerning very substantial purpose trusts. Stephanie also has a developing arbitration practice, particularly in relation to arbitrations relating to trusts and private foundations, and has acted in arbitrations under the UNCITRAL, ICC and LCIA Rules and on ancillary court applications.

What is your favorite restaurant to take a client or colleague to?

Perilla in Stoke Newington

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Don't take on too much - do less, but do it well

What was your first job?

Dog walker - the best job there is

What is the book you recommend to everyone?

Currently, Soldier Sailor by Claire Kilroy

What changes do you expect to see in your practice over the next year?

An increase in the use of AI in our cases, and expectations from clients that we do so to improve efficiency. It remains to see how easy that will be!