Who Got The Work

Gilbert J. Tsai of Hanson Bridgett and Arthur W. Liou of Leonard Carder LLP have stepped in to defend Michael V. Drake, president of the University of California, and the labor union of technical and professional employees at the University of California in a pending class action over the assessment of union dues and service fees. The complaint, which argues that the union has erected unlawful barriers to university employees who seek to resign their union membership, was filed July 29 in California Central District Court by Smith & Myers and the National Right To Work Legal Defense Foundation. The case, assigned to U.S. District Judge David O Carter, is 8:21-cv-01280, Amber Walker v. University Professional and Technical Employees Communications Workers America Local 9119 et al.


September 12, 2021, 2:54 PM

Nature of Claim: 950/seeking to overturn a state statute