New Suit

Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting, stars of the 1968 film 'Romeo and Juliet,' filed a lawsuit against Paramount Pictures, Criterion Collections and Janus Films on Feb. 14 in California Superior Court for Los Angeles County. The suit pertains to a Feb. 2023 digital release of the film which includes digitally enhanced nude photos of the plaintiffs. The complaint alleges that while the plaintiffs did not object to the inclusion of the low-resolution photos in the original film, the plaintiffs never consented to digital enhancements of their body parts. The suit was brought by the Romaine Lokhandwala Law Group. Counsel have not yet appeared for the defendants. The case is 24STCV03814, Hussey et al. v. Paramount Pictures Corp. et al.

Entertainment, Sports & Media

February 15, 2024, 5:50 PM


