Who Got The Work

Anuj Desai, Richard A. Mitchell and Erin N. Winn from Arnall Golden Gregory have stepped in to represent Easy Stones Corp. and Easy Surfaces Corporation in a pending trademark infringement lawsuit. The suit, filed Dec. 24 in Georgia Northern District Court by the Khayat Law Firm and Rutan & Tucker on behalf of flooring and countertop distributor MS International Inc. (MSI), accuses the defendants of using trademarks that were identical and/or confusingly similar to MSI's quartz products. The case, assigned to U.S. District Judge William M. Ray II, is 1:22-cv-05076, M S International, Inc. v. Easy Surfaces Corporation et al.

Retail & Consumer Goods

January 18, 2023, 6:51 AM

Nature of Claim: 840/over trademark claims