Who Got The Work

Aaron M. Saykin of Hodgson Russ has entered an appearance for Western Regional Off Track Betting Corp., board chairman Richard D. Bianchi, and CEO Henry Wojtaszek in a pending whistleblower lawsuit. The complaint was filed Aug. 12 in New York Western District Court by HoganWillig law firm on behalf of Michael Nolan, the organization's former chief operating officer. Nolan alleges that he was unlawfully terminated after cooperating with state and federal law enforcement investigations. The case, assigned to U.S. District Judge William M. Skretny, is 1:21-cv-00922, Nolan v. Western Regional Off Track Betting Corporation et al.

New York

September 27, 2021, 11:37 AM

Nature of Claim: 440/over an alleged civil rights violation